How Mobile Forms Can Improve Your Construction Project

Technology on the construction site is becoming more commonplace and changing how projects are run and managed. It also leads to improvements in safety, work quality, and time to complete projects.
“Outside of desktop computers, smartphones are the most frequently used computing devices by construction professionals,” reports JBKnowledge in their Construction Technology Report & Survey.
Aside from the prevalence of mobile devices on-site, technology also provides major cost savings during each stage of a project. According to the Boston Consulting Group, “full-scale digitization will lead to huge annual global cost savings. For nonresidential construction, those savings will be $0.7 trillion to $1.2 trillion (13 to 21%) in the design and E&C phases, and $0.3 trillion to $0.5 trillion (10 to 17%) in the operations phase.”
Smartphones and other mobile technology is already on the jobsite; why not put them to work?
Device Magic on the Construction Site
Device Magic data collection software played an important role in the construction of the new Atlanta Falcons stadium and was used by Derr & Isbell Construction, a Texas-based company that provides structural steel erection, precast erection, and related construction services, who installed the roof for the Falcons stadium.
“Our vision for this project was to run it paperless, and that is where Device Magic helped us get the data from the jobsite and via the project team without using paper forms,” said Parsa Sabahi, Director of Technology for Derr & Isbell.
Superintendents and foreman used the Device Magic app to complete safety inspections, quality assurance and quality control inspections, daily reports, and HR forms. They were able to send data in real-time to the necessary person’s email address.
The Device Magic app is fully functional without an Internet or cell connection, which was important because there is often no connection on the jobsite. In addition, all data collected during the project is stored in a database or sent to the required destination or tool where it could be referenced throughout the project and in the future.
“Device Magic also made archiving the data way more efficient and also made it easier to access the old data. By using Device Magic, it was easier for us to make changes in our procedures company-wide and see the changes take effect instantly,” said Sabahi.
Here are some other ways that mobile forms can help on your construction site.
Work Without an Internet Connection
The work doesn’t stop when you don’t have a connection. Jobsites often don’t have an Internet connection, and remote sites also lack reliable cell coverage. Mobile forms are fully functional offline, so no matter where the job is, you can complete paperwork and collect the data you need. Submitted forms are stored until you regain a connection and then will continue to the selected destination.
Access Data in Real-Time
Productivity is improved by sharing information in real-time. With mobile forms, data is available immediately after being submitted. This way, you don’t need to worry about finding a computer or scanner to send in paperwork from the site, or needing to hand deliver it, and the main office has access to data sooner.
When managers and supervisors in the office know the status of a project, they can stay on top of schedules and timelines, while also relaying that information to key stakeholders and clients.
Avoid Costly Delays
When deadlines are missed costs go up. Using mobile forms on your construction jobsite saves time by allowing you to complete paperwork and documentation more quickly. When the office receives this information sooner the wait time for responses and approvals is cut down, keeping projects moving forward.
When it comes time for inspections on your jobsite, the last thing you need is to re-schedule an inspector because you don’t have the necessary documentation ready. You need to be able to access the data an inspector requires without worrying that it might have been left back at the office.