Can Mobile Forms Actually Save You Time?

Making the switch to a new way of doing things is a big decision, and as the saying goes, old habits die hard. However, it’s really simple to go paperless and start the move to a digital system. Before committing to the change, you want to be sure of the benefits and that new processes will actually make things easier.
Don’t let your current way of doing things slow you down. Electronic sharing can cut off an average of 4 days of wait time in processing a document, reports Que Publishing. That could make a big difference for your company. These are some of the ways that mobile forms can save you time.
Don’t Hold the Office Up
If workers are completing jobs in the field or from a remote location, they may be used to filling out paper forms and turning them into the office at a later time. Or, they may need to wait until they can get access to a computer to complete administrative tasks. Delays between when the task is completed and when the paperwork is filled out can lead to inaccuracies and increases the risk of it not being completed at all.
These kinds of processes keep employees in the office from completing tasks as quickly, because they need to wait for information to come in from the jobsite before they can take the next step to close out a work order, invoice a customer, or submit a report.
Using data collection software to get information from the field or jobsite in real-time means that managers can make adjustments to schedules and understand what stage a project is in at all times, making sure that deadlines are met.
Increased Mobility
The great thing about using mobile forms is that they are filled out on smartphones and tablets. These devices can be taken anywhere, so your team can still submit their forms even from a remote jobsite or on a long distance haul. As was mentioned previously, having this information means other decisions can be made and processes can keep moving forward without costly delays.
Store Everything in One Database
When a form is submitted on a smartphone or tablet, it can be sent wherever you need it to go. You won’t need to re-file or re-enter the information once it’s been submitted or processed, saving administrative hours.
Storing your data in one database means that it will be easily accessible if you need it for reference or for things like legal compliance. This is especially helpful for historical documentation. Wouldn’t you rather search a database for a report from five years ago, instead of digging through boxes of old files?
Saving your paperwork and files in a cloud database let’s you access it from anywhere, so even if you aren’t in the office, you can get the information you need.
Analyze Data Sooner
When your data is automatically added to your project management tool or database from a completed mobile form, you eliminate the need to re-enter it manually. By using this type of digital system, you also remove the potential for human error during data entry. You can pre-populate forms and make questions mandatory so that each form that is submitted is accurate and isn’t missing information, saving you from needing to hunt down answers.
This process will let you analyze data sooner, and know that it is accurate.
Automate Workflows with Mobile Forms
Sometimes a form submission is just the beginning of the process. You can set up an automated workflow so that a completed form is sent to a manager, images are delivered to a Dropbox account, and an invoice is emailed to a customer, all by submitting one form and without any additional manual effort.
Reduce wasted time and cut down on delays when you take advantage of mobile technology to help make business processes more efficient.
See for yourself what mobile forms can do. Start your free 14-day trial.