10 Key Benefits of Going Paperless with Mobile Forms

Paper is slowing your business down and costing you money. Switching to a mobile forms and data collection software can lead to greater business growth, employee productivity and retention, as well as improving the bottom line.
But how much is paper actually costing you? Industry research firm Gartner, Inc., estimates that as much as 3% of a company’s revenue is spent on paper, printing, filing and the costs to store and maintain files of information. In addition, the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper a year.
Save Time by Going Digital
Not only does paper lead to higher operating costs, but it also results in a loss of productivity. Paperwork needs to be processed once it has been completed. For organizations with employees who work remotely or in the field, this means the paperwork these employees complete has to get back to the office from another location.
Field employees waste time looking for a fax machine or scanner to send in documents, or need to wait until they have access to a computer at a later time. Waiting for forms to be delivered or emailed to the office before the data and information they contain can be used is inefficient and slows things down. Once employees in the office finally have the paperwork, it still needs to be filed correctly, entered into a database, or sent along to a manager or supervisor.
A system that puts data into your organization’s hands faster will result in saved time, improved employee productivity and reduced costs. Using digital system limits manual data entry errors, while also reducing the time it takes collected data to reach core office databases, systems, and stakeholders.
Improve Productivity with Mobile Technology
Sharing and collaboration are easier when paper is removed from business processes. Storing paperwork and files in a Cloud database lets you access them from anywhere, so even if you aren’t in the office, you can get the information you need.
When employees use mobile technology in conjunction with the Cloud, they then have access to the work files, emails, and information wherever they are. They don’t have to be limited because they aren’t in the office, which saves time and boosts productivity.
This type of mobile data collection process also eliminates delays in completing necessary paperwork and getting it sent to the right person, making workflows and reporting faster.
Why Go Paperless with Mobile Forms?
Here are some of the top benefits and ROI of eliminating paperwork and switching to mobile business processes.
1. Save an average of 10 hours per week of admin hours by eliminating data entry.
2. Save an average of 11 hours per week of field rep time with Device Magic.
3. 55% of customers achieve a total return on investment from mobile forms within 12 months.
4. Real-time data capture results in getting data 3-5 days faster.
5. Saving time from data entry equals an average yearly savings between $10,000 – $15,000.
6. Invoice for jobs twice as quickly when using our mobile forms solution.
7. Speed of response to customers, suppliers, or staff has been improved by 10x or more following an investment in mobile forms.
8. Improve compliance by 30%.
9. Reduce return trips due to incomplete data and forms by 50%.
10. Boost productivity by 33% with paperless workflows.
Ready to make the move to mobile? Start automating your business processes now.